- I certify the information I have provided is correct and accept the terms and conditions of the FSUCard Agreement.
- I understand the FSUCard is the official University Identification Card, is not transferrable, and use of the FSUCard is subject to this cardholder agreement.
- I understand there is a fee for any replacement FSUCard.
- I understand there is an annual FSUCard fee as allowed by 1009.24(14)(c), Florida Statute and authorized by the FSU Board of Trustees.
- I understand that the Board of Trustees has authorized an inactivity fee for FSUCash if I do not use my FSUCash account for twelve (12) consecutive months. This inactivity fee will not cause my FSUCash account to go into a negative balance and all other uses of the FSUCard will not be affected. In addition, FSU will deactivate the FSUCash account when it has been determined to be inactive to prevent unauthorized use and will require a new agreement by Holder before reactivation.
- I understand my FSUCard will expire five (5) years from the date I sign this Agreement. To renew my FSUCard after the expiration, I will need to visit the FSUCard Center.
- I understand that by lending my FSUCard to another party is in violation of the Student Conduct Code, FSU-3.004(VII)(j); of FSU Guidelines for Disciplinary Action for USPS employees in FSU-4.070; A&P employees FSU-4.0592. As such, I understand that FSU is not responsible for the funds spent on the FSUCash account. I am responsible for all funds spent on my FSUCash account and if I am a minor under the age of 18, my parent or legal guardian who has signed this agreement understands that he or she is responsible for all funds spent on my FSUCash account.
- I understand this card is the property of the issuer and must be returned upon request.
- I acknowledge that in the case of an emergency, without my consent, the information contained in this agreement may be released to protect the health and safety of myself and/or others. Authority: 228.093(3)(d)(8), Florida Statutes.
- I understand the Federal Privacy Act of 1974 allows colleges and universities to require the disclosure of Social Security numbers for the purpose of identification and verification of student records, including registration, financial aid, and academic records, and for verification of identity in connection with the provision of its services. The University does not use your Social Security number for student identification.
- These terms and conditions shall be in effect from the date of receipt of a signed application or online agreement from Holder until the plan is closed.